1. If your looking for high intensity, florescent instructors yelling,
    “ go girl” to rave tracks then this is not for you .
    So refreshing to find a no fuss video , easy to follow, it’s not rocket science to be able to count in your head .
    These days people need instructions for everything !
    Keep it up !!
    I saw results in 2 weeks . I do them daily .
    Hello upper abs !

  2. The music is boring,not motivating at all,good workout though,and their workout attire is boring as well,they blend in with the background instead of standing out,way too much noise from Anna,unnecessary,I don't know if I will try this,nothing here is motivating,it would have been nice if at least one of them hade a body even remotely close to jlo s body,but David is a good instructor,though…

  3. 👎 ejercicios estan geniales, pero los circuitos estan muy mal organizados, no estan parejos. El instructor habla demasiado….

  4. The exercises were good and so was his positivity but not the best instruction and demonstration. Even Anna was lost at one point when he started the next exercise without announcing it or giving any instruction. The reps were uneven on each side. I also felt there were not enough repetitions to break a good sweat or feel like you made good use of the 30 mins. He could definitely use a bit more structure and detail.

  5. Idk why ppl didnt like this workout…i loved it! Exercisers like this ive learned you need to slow down a bit and make sure your engaging the muscle u r working and just squeeze…

  6. I can't understand all thoose negative comments about him, i enjoyed that workout a Lot! And the body also needs breaks, i think he did a great Job!

  7. Love this workout! Really felt it the next day especially in my core which is where i need the most work. Really liked the instuctor he didnt do the fake over enthusatic thing that can put me off alot of work out videos.

  8. I love David Kirsch been using him for YEARS I started with his 14 day total body transformation and it changed my life. The recipes were good too, just enough food to get by and not be hungry and they tasted good . Glad to see this free video give me something new. For years I just been mixing up from that book and a few new things. His stuff hurts but it WORKS

  9. I started doing this workout as part of my routine 3 days ago and though I'm not in fit top shape I am already visualizing results!! His motivation and coaching is awesome! Thanks popsugar!

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