1. I didn't have light enough DB for Triceps Kickback so I used my own bodyweight but my arm was still burning and for some I did single handed version as 15kg for each DB in the lateral raise is way too crazy.

  2. My arms have never been so tired and I don't have anything heavier than 10lbs at home! This workout rocks, I'm definitely going to do this one again <3 Thank you Daniel and Kelli!

  3. Is there a way to support your channel besides watching and liking videos? You all give such amazing content for such fair prices. I am a personal trainer and I know how much 1 hour of training averages. You are more than generous with your time and content and I would love to give back if possible. Thank you!

  4. Still feel it 3 days later and I work my arms regularly. Would love to see a similar format for lower body! Then core after that! Thanks for all your hard work 👌

  5. guys I am getting so frustrated I do not see how I can save this to my own fitness blender page it use to show up an the newest list. and then move it where I want it I don't always want ti waist time on youtube looking for a certain video.

  6. Your videos really inspire me! I really want to make workout videos for busy moms. They won’t have the awesome quality of yours, but at least I have someone to look up to!! Thank you!

  7. Upper body strength training is my least favorite kind of workout but I LOVE seeing the real life benefits from doing them. Like when I can carry a heavier box or more grocery bags. I'll be doing this today.

    edit #WorkoutComplete This one was a killer! Love it! Definitely gonna need to do extra stretching later today….and tomorrow….and possibly the day after that. 😂

  8. Gosh, just realised Kelli is back in fine form! She's been in my prayers and her words about "If you can move, then do it!" have never left me. Lots of love to you both! xx

  9. Hey Daniel, was wondering if you guys can do new videos for "HIIT Cardio for People who get Bored Easily", and also ones for "Upper Body Strength Combined with Core Exercises". "Lower Body Strength with focus on the glutes" would also be awesome! Actually, two of your lower body strength workouts are my all time favorites for getting guaranteed sore muscles! Thanks!

  10. So good to see you back, Daniel! We've missed you! This one looks great. Will add it into my routines for this week. Hope you two are enjoying the slowly warming weather! FINALLY! 😉

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