1. Thanks so much. You have saved me through a terrible knee injury three months ago. I tore my ACL, MCL and had my meniscus removed in surgery and will face two more surgeries, lots of physic and I never stopped working out. Started with your chair workouts and now do all of Claudia's modifications. I was always doing the advanced moves but with the injury the mods work well. You guys are the best!

  2. Just finished doing this one for the first time… great workout! Got me tired at half way through. High plank moves had me sweating a lot, loved it and thank you!

  3. Great workout – one i'll definitely come back to because i'm determined to manage all the high intensity moves at some point. Not quite there yet sadly.  Thanks.

  4. As usual, great workout. I rotate between the strength workouts with weights and the HIIT. I love that there are lots of choices. I like the longer ones but sometimes I’m on a time crunch and I know I can still find a great video even if I only have 20 minutes. At 62, I feel confident I’ll be doing these for many more years with you, THANKS

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