1. I absolutely love your channel! I have fallen in love with cooking again. I'm not eating strictly keto but I sometimes use your recipes with other grains that are not keto recommended and they come out absolutely amazing. Like last weekend I combined the spices you used on the cauliflower rice for the burrito bowl with the spices, coconut milk, almonds and coconut you used for the cauliflower rice on the Moroccan dishes with Israeli pearl couscous and let's just say that there were no leftovers.

  2. How do I count my macros? Today is my first day on the Keto way of life.

    You may not know the answer to this, but I had a gastro by pass a few years ago which I failed! Would I be okay with the Keto way of life? I am also a diabetic, I take one pill for it.

  3. I am beyond happy to have stumbled onto your channel. I suffer from PCOS, an I have found Keto, to be of tremendous help in battling some of the associated symptoms — however, meal inspirations have been lackluster; until now!

    Just placed an order for your cookbook on Amazon. Thank you, for you incredible work! Many blessings to your family.💕

  4. Have you ever tried using frozen cauliflower you can buy it at aldi I was just curious if it being frozen will change the taste or texture of any recipe

  5. Bobby my man, my hubby and I are starting Keto tomorrow Monday, your recepies are rocking, makes me want to start even more. We live in Glasgow Scotland. Looking forward to going with you on our forward journey. Keep up the good work x

  6. I just accidentally found your videos and they're All Phenomenal! Thank you so much! Super educational & helpful & also Encouraging! Sending Love & HUGS!!!!

  7. Would anyone want to help support the show and at-risk suicidal kids in single-parent families get on Keto? Under a program where they earn their value in life and help another cause you Support? Leave a comment at ZenMediapartners.com We support the show by having the kids watch the show.

  8. Those beautiful, delicious looking red peppers I see you using in your wonderful videos! !
    How I want some! Never see them anywhere, and don’t know the name of these. 😕

  9. The monacan chicken stew and cauliflower rice will have your eyes rolling and weak in the knees!!!! Soooooooo amazingly delicious! So many flavors that pop in your mouth and they all compliment one another! Thank you for sharing Bobby!!!! I can’t wait to try the other recipes

  10. This is a great meal planning recipies combo! Love it, makes my meal planning thought process a lot easier!! You really have one of the greatest channels on YouTube, I hope you will succeed long and far in this career! 🙂

  11. Love love love, you and your recipes have been part of our life at home for over a year and it has been hands down the best decision that we made. Absolutely love every recipe we try, and have repeated quite a few ones now, thanks for sharing such passionate and very informative videos!

  12. i'm Moroccan but i don't know that dish but looks Yammy ,i will try it for sure and i will certainly try other recipes
    i loved your channel

  13. Hands down BEST keto recipes on YouTube! Your videos are entertaining, informative but to the point! You have a gift! Can't wait to see how far you grow on YouTube in 2019!

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