1. Wow I've never had this much fun while doing a cardio workout.lets be honest, when we hear the word cardio, we all think about death, but this workout was amazing and fun. The time went by so fast. Thank you.❤

  2. This is good, thanks! I was perusing for a fun exercise video and after skimming through the typical zumba, etc. type of moves which is boring to me, this video made me think of fun so I danced to it, and I am a dancer !

  3. THANK YOU for putting these out there! I've never liked exercise, BUT – I love dancing and hiking. Sadly, I live somewhere rural where I don't have access to a gym (nearest one is 40+ minutes away), and I don't have a permit for hiking (live and work on a reservation).

    But!! This I can without any hindrance or excuse. So again, thank you! <3 I'm subscribing now.

  4. I wish i would be like ne but I really wanted to be skinny because it was ny dream to be skinny so i won't wear large shirts or pants anymore i've tried doing Just Dance 2016 – 2017 -2018 but the only haved worked is Just Dance 2017 but yeah i wish i was born to be skinny but i didn't😔😢😭

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