1. Honestly. Like. Honestly. This is a good content tbh. I always feel uncomfortable watching normal fitness channel. But this is a good blend of fitness and personality tbh. Idk. It just doesn't feel intimidated at all. Like It makes me feel I wanna workout after I wake up tomorrow.
    PS: I follow your go to meal. Best thing ever happened in my life tbh.
    Taste great. I feel great. It's easy and cheap.


    ●20 scissor kicks (20 each side)
    ●20 leg ups (starting with legs straight out)
    ●20 crunches
    ●20 Russian twists (20 each side)
    ●20 second plank
    ○NO RESTS!!

  3. Andrew, thank you for your videos. I came out towards the end of last year and was finding it difficult to meet other people like me in the gay community. One of your videos finally encouraged me to join an app to try and meet people and get myself out there. It worked and I’ve actually been in a relationship for just over 3 months now. I think of how much my life has changed over the last 6 months and it was one of your videos that encouraged me to take the first steps to achieving that. Thank you so much.

  4. OMG! This ab workout is no joke! My abs are on 🔥🔥🔥! Thank you though because I was getting in a rut and not seeing much results with my normal workout, so thank you!

  5. I wish I could get looking like you. I have lost 150 pounds and have reached a plateau and can’t get past it. I’m 212 pounds of fat right now and can’t seem to loose the last 50 or so pounds to get to 170. Do you have any tips to loose the last 50 pounds?

  6. Andrew, I do several of these as part of my general gym work, not that my more ancient abs can match yours (if only)! Just one point, I believe it's better on the third exercise to place your hands by your ears, not clasped behind your neck. I find I get more of a burn if I imagine I'm trying to touch my forehead to the ceiling rather than aiming toward my knees, this being easier to do with the hand/ear position as it keeps the spine straighter.

  7. Wow!! Andrew doing abs…no shirt??? Ok? My day is made and my mind went to a completely dirty place. Lol. This boy!! He is purtttteeee!!! And he is smart too!! Thanks Andrew good workout!!

  8. Tried doing this as a shake up from my regular routine and I am feeling the burn haha. Gotta do more of those Russian twists that I'm not used to. Tho my obliques are so defined after those holy smokes lol found the newest addition to my workout

  9. Thanks for this. It's simple and straightforward enough, and gives me a nice little variety of exercises that I can do at my own pace and add reps as I progress.

  10. Probably definitely really need to caution people who may not have your mental focus, svelte-ness, or core-strength, to just go slow, and they may be in for muscle strains, & back injuries doing certain twists & pulls…

  11. Very helpful, Andrew, but it’s not rocket science. People often avoid exercising because it’s too hard or it’s too……… These are very useful moves if your abs workout has gotten stale.

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