1. I’ve been obsessed with these videos for a while now. I’m trying to gain weight and build muscle mass rather than burning fat and building muscle mass.

    There’s always a debate. Should I do a full body work out every other day OR should i target specific (yet different) muscle groups every day and rest on Sunday. Which would you recommend?

  2. so sick and tired when I see beginner routines with dips and pUllups..so unrealstic in real practise for a true beginner!

    and when "keyboard-warrior" come with hey they just need to modify the technique and use easier progressions i am like:
    d××-×##@+##×_×#^×#^×'jxwwcnd'nceijixejxeniex27jd3nid3nd3nu3nun; !!!!!

    he is a f#cking beginner who doesn't know sh!t about calisthenics and adjusting techniques etc….. oh man makes me always so mad when they give BS advices!!!
    ↪↪↪that's why I freaking like youe videos and beginner videos like this one!

    realistic to apply + clear guide lines in a simple and understandable format…no information over-load!

    beginner most important thing is to practise the basic moves consistently ~3 times a week and practise + progress them safely! ➡️safely!

    enough runt….anyway great video bro!


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