1. I just spent last 90 minutes binge watching some of your videos. (Hadn't gotten to this one yet… wait for it… drumroll) You came up in my YouTube feed randomly. One thing I love to do when unloading the dishwasher is to squat down to the floor in this fashion to do repetitive squats while unloading the bottom dishes. I do this barefooted because my feet can grip the floor better and stabile feet make this so much easier to maneuver. Then I watched this video… had a good laugh and thank you for the confirmation that my weird dishwasher unloading antics are spot on. New subby! (PS, love all of your skincare routine healthy lifestyle videos… you are teaching me things that are crucial for my age 47 going on 48 and hot flashing last two weeks … yay! I may have manifested you into my consciousness!). ✨🌟💖 everything in Divine Timing. Love and light!🌟✨

  2. Hi! Love this and despite a dodgy knee I can squat but only if I don’t flatten my feet on the ground as advised, as when I do that I fall backwards every time! Could you advise how to work towards flattening my feet on the ground – even incrementally? Thank you! x

  3. Indian style toilets were designed for squatting in this position. Now we know that this was the ideal position for proper toilet seating etc. Alas now not many use this kind 😩

  4. Bloody hell Shellea, this is a killer. I do suffer from plantar fasciitis so this hurts my feet/ankles but I will keep trying. Maybe this will help in the long run with the condition ☺ By the way you are Amazing 💚

  5. Well it's an Indian style squatting.. As we had and still have Indian style toilets.. Where squatting is a must.. Some information, yeah. ☺

  6. I am 67, and I have no problem doing the squat; however I DO have have trouble getting my feet flat on the floor. When I straighten my back, the back of my feet come off the floor. Does the fact that I have very flat feet work against me here?

  7. Hi. I've been doing knee exercises first and gradually I am doing this squat. Today I stayed a minute at this with no pain. I could have longer but have to run to do errands. If you are able do knree exercises first it will help enormously. I am 65 and it's taken three weeks.

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