1. What I like about your videos is that you don't ramble on like some other people you get to the point without talking about your life story. You're very informative and you really helped me with my exercises. Thank you

  2. Would there be any major drawback to attaching an EZ bar to the cable row machine and using that for prone cable curls? No imbalance between arms so I'm fine with changing it to a 2 handed grip. Laying on the ground at my gym isn't possible with the amount of traffic.

  3. Hey Vince, I am looking to lose weight, like 150 pounds, and I have trouble doing any exercises that involve moving my back because I have had back surgery about 5 years ago for a herniated disk and I still suffer from another. I was wondering what would be the best way to start exercising and losing weight without messing up my back any more than it already is.

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