1. This really works yall! Got me lookin mad good. Instead of 20 reps I do 40 each day and eat good! It also helps doing ab workouts w this. And don't eat fast food or after 6 lmfaoo ik it sound hard but yall got this! Remember what yall want out of this

  2. I’m doing this
    I started just now and I need water haha
    But I can’t be to consistent everyday due to schedule
    Starting Tuesday. I will continue this every day
    Hopefully if I can during weekend I will do so

  3. Day 1. Done. Did exercises 3 times and also did ran stairs for 15 mins before as a warm up and squats as a cool down. Added 2kg leg weights a .500g weighted gloves. Total time 45mins. 750ml of water after. Remember no processed sugar and and at least 3.6lts of water today. Let's Go!!!!

  4. I’ll be updating
    Day 1: it feels great! And I actually see that my back sweats more by doing this workout more than the ones I’ll do
    Day 2: My back was kind of sore this morning but I didn’t really feel it. Today I did till 20 instead of 10 times each workout.
    Day 3: I did the same thing as day 2.
    (I’ll do the workout during in the afternoon since I’m not a morning person)
    Day 4: (this workout helped my stomach too! It me feel skinnier than the day before!) I took a break today since I was feeling a bit sick. But I kept drinking about 1L of water like usual. Since I took a picture of my back on Day 1 I compared it to a picture I took today and I’ve noticed a difference. My back fat is going away! I’ll continue this exercise tomorrow!
    Day 5: Omg I’m sweating even more than the other days 😳😄

  5. Ok, Ive seen this mistake on so many workout videos! Put ques! Speak, tell us what to do, entertain us, give us a warning of what we’ll do, give a 30 second break (or without break but at least do the previous ones)

  6. I like that you do low impact. I also love that you do the whole time with us and it’s not time lapsed. I also love that you don’t use weights and just body weight. Thank you for these videos!!!!!

  7. Okay normally I don't do the actual exercise routine; I just watch YouTube videos to get pointers. This time I will try this and report back in 2 weeks with my results with my back fat area😉.

  8. I'm 14 and really trying to lose weight after a big depression bomb that happened in 2018-2019 which made me gain 30KG (I think that's like 60punds) and I'm going on a vacation in late June 2020 so I really wanna get my confidence back just so I feel beautiful because let me tell you having social anxiety and struggling with body confidence ain't a good match so I will definitely try this out with my other workouts ❤️

  9. Your Videos are great and the music has a great tone, I encourage everybody to do these exercises they will help you a lot and never throw in the towel and give-up you only have one body, Go over the Internet and download Awesome good beat music and turn it up… Bolivia

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