1. Why olive oil ? Especially in comparison with other oils, such as macadamia nut,
    And avocado oils?

    If you were going to recommend your products, where would you recommend I start? Vital reds? Greens? Prebiotic?

  2. My husband is suffering from tinnitus – he does not have a tumor or hearing loss- this condition is breaking his soul- is there anything you can recommend?

  3. Thanks Dr. Gundry for the being a common sense kind a doctor … I've had a question for awhile: You make a comment that the whole purpose of food in to get olive oil into your mouth.. how about chewing on olives themselves? Will that not be more benefitial? I really don't have any problem chewing 30-40 olives a day … thank you soooooo very much. God Bless.

  4. Just FYI. Over the last year I have 55 lbs, eliminated Metformin and diabetes also have eliminated my statin meds. My annual physical results were the best I’ve had in the last 12 years. I had quadruple bypass surgery January 2007. These results have not only changed my life, my sharing with everyone I work with and family members, have benefited several others. I would like to thank you for sharing your information.

  5. Thanks Doctor, I have 1 question.
    The holy month of Ramadan is almost finished. The tradition says to break fasting with 3 dates and a glass of water, then having a big reach meal about 1 hour later. What do you suggest about it? Both for breaking the fast and the big meal. Thanks, GBU

  6. Dr Gundry I have a question, I have been hearing that women hormones are affected if we do intermittent fasting for 24 hours or longer. Also If we do decide to IF we should have small 100 calories every 3 to 4 hours, so our hormones don’t get out of wack. I have also read that most studies are done on men not women. What is your thought on IF for women. I have been following Dr Beth Westie, she is a chiropractor and a women’s health expert, check her out and let me know what you think. Thank you so much for your dedication and love for humanity. God bless you 😊

  7. My mom was on your program, and so am I. My mom died suddenly from a blood clot that blocked her left anterior descending coronary artery. Her organs were completely healthy, her blood vessels were flexible, and she was trim and youthful right before she died. She was the picture of health, so my family is in complete shock. Is there any way to prevent blood clots? Do some people have more of a genetic predisposition to developing blood clots? A doctor my aunt talked to said that it could have something to do with lipids.

  8. Thank you for great videos. My mother has chronic migraine. I am still confused how to improve her food pattern to help her with this. She has this since 30 years. We are from India.
    Hopefully I will get an answer from you on this.
    Thanks again.

  9. Please can you advise on some healthy eating principles for children especially if they don’t eat meat. How to avoid the tyranny of sugar and include veggies without lectins.

  10. Hello Dr. Gundry Can you talk about colitis, the cause and what food one can and can't eat and any solutions
    1.Does this cause by leaky gut
    2. Is your Total Restore med help in this case. Thanks

  11. Thank you for making these videos and podcasts! As a new mom, it’s difficult to find the time to read so this is very helpful for me. I’ve been practicing the PP lifestyle since February and it has made a huge difference in my overall health but, in particular, my gastrointestinal health. I don’t have nearly as much fatigue, tummy aches or aches and pains, especially upon waking in the morning.
    -I’d be interested in a PP lifestyle for children. There is a lot of peer pressure from other moms and even pediatricians about what foods should be introduced to your child from age 6mo and up. I’ve been sticking to pressure cooker organic yams, mashing up organic avocado and organic green banana. What are your thoughts?

    Also, for breastfeeding moms, the PP lifestyle was a game changer in eliminating my infants colic! He was always in pain from gas and would cry for hours on end. We tried everything, I thought. Then I was introduced to the PP and once I eliminated lectins and started eating organic, his colic vanished! Happiest little guy now. So thank you Dr. Gundry!

  12. GI regularity is a problem for and me. I've been on the PPP since January's 30 day challenge and on Total Restore since July along with avoiding the No foods since July. I added Psyllium powder capsules in February and then your Probiotics instead of the drugstore ones in late March/early April. The great news is I've been able to sleep much better this past month and get active again with walking and outside projects. I'm getting better but am still not sure how to balance everything. Complex carbs ( yuca and basmati rice) and goat cheeses seem to slow things down. Suggestions or idea of time needed to see better changes.

  13. Dr. Gundry please do a video on …
    Is apple cider vinegar on greens or 2 tablespoons in the morning safe for a diabetic with a family history of heart disease?

  14. 'Thank you so much Dr. Gundry for your educational and very inspiring videos! I truly enjoy learning more about dieting. It made me realize how the food industry, can keep you trapped in their system through commercials, campaigns etc – even when you actually think your are eating healthy! However, I have decided to watch all your videos and am now considering bying your book.

    I am just curious on one thing – when eating the right green vegetables likes green cale, broccoli, selleri, spinach leaves, cucumber and all ecological – would it hurt to use a slowjuicer for these vegetables (inclusive the pulp)? 

    I honestly enjoy to drink my vegetables, but do also chew them;-)…PS. I always used olive oil in my juices.

  15. what about eggs you say 2,5 eggs is equivalent of 3oz of protein but they say that in an egg contains just 6gram protein which is far less than an 1oz so if only 2,5 eggs should be enough for a day so is this mean i eat too much protein? I used to have at leat 4 a day + other sources of protein like fish and legumes?

  16. I mean how should my diet should look like if I want to achive some athley look body. I don't really wanna eat tons of animal protein I would rather give up them at all but I just don't know what to doo everywere these all gurus say that you've got to eat toons of meat and at the end of the day i feel so stuffed and bloated

  17. Hi Doctor Gundry! I would like to know why I can't hardly build some muscle and my results aren't as good as they should? I train so hard resistant training at least 3 times a week about 45-60 min after a while i feel like the exercise make me feel sick but they should make me feel great don't they? so what about the protein how much should i consume and could you just give me some advice and tell what can i eat and how much ?

  18. Dr. Gundry…..it is immensely heart wrenching to give up my sugar, I LOVE sweets. I have even tried some of the options you listed in your book “ the plant paradox” but I just don’t get the same satisfaction from the foods that I love to eat. I came across a sweetener that I don’t mind substituting and I get the same enjoyment “ well not 100%” but a very close second. That sweetener is called coconut syrup with its only ingredient being organic coconut syrup, what do you think?

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