1. "People get a little emotional with [veganism] then it's not so scientific." Science is on our side. Meat eaters are emotionally wrecked by the creeping realization the entire world is turning vegan

  2. Literally EVERY doctor I told about reversal of heart disease through plant based diet immediately got a red face and started to talk very, very angrily, and urged me to stop talking such utter and complete nonsense, adding how extremely dangerous plant based diets are. And here I am 6 years a vegan, healthier than ever. Doctors…

  3. We watched The Game Changers by complete chance. Had anyone approached me even a day earlier encouraging me to consider plant-based eating, I wouldn't have listened to a word. I mean, I made fun of my teenager for simply working at a vegan restaurant, especially when he tried telling me the food was "actually pretty good". I had my impression of those who refused animal products, and I would never be one of those. That was, until I watched the documentary. The next day, my fiance and I began as plant-based as we knew how. The day after that, we watched What the Health. Wow…never again (meat, that is)! The way I explain why someone should watch both…Game Changers dispels the myths I knew as "truths" about what a vegetarian/vegan could NOT do…What the Health drove home why I should never put that stuff in my mouth again. Two weeks later I finished How Not to Die (I ordered five copies to share with family). Neither documentary made me think that plant-based, and only plant-based, would allow me to reach my full athletic potential. I think Brian misses the intent of Game Changers, and overestimates the knowledge an average person possesses on plant-based living. You have to reach us dummies somehow. Those of us who think/thought vegetarians and vegans were, well, idiots. And they did just that in 112 minutes! My eyes and mind were opened to something new. False stereotypes were softened and sloughed. Three weeks in, my blood work was in range across the board for the first time in my adult life. And I feel like I'm doing the right thing for so many reasons. Are some of the anecdotes gimmicky? I believe so. But they sure do get your attention and get you thinking. I think The Game Changers does exactly what it set out to do, and Dr Greger is just one of the brilliant minds behind their message.

  4. Excited to see Dr. Greger tomorrow in MIchigan for his book signing and dinner. Love his passion and excitement for this way of eating. I thought he was asked some very good questions and the interview went well.

  5. Dr Greger is so enthusiastic, excited and passionate when he talks and The only thing Brian can combat that with is "alright" And "whatever". The world does not diserve you, Dr Greger

  6. I love Dr Greger's enthusiasm! His information has helped me so much, not only to know how to lose weight and get healthy for the short term, but also to have long term health and quality of life!

  7. I’m surprised that the host actually dissed The Game Changers, for which Dr. Gregor was a medical advisor – his reasons are nonsensical. Did he miss Patrik Baboumian, the strongest man in the WORLD??!!!

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