1. You've heard the old sang, right?
    Friends don't let friends… skip leg day. 
    So I'm going to be a good friend and give you an awesome dumbbell leg workout…
    That you can do at home…
    To STRENGTHEN and BUILD your legs…
    Plus boost your testosterone and metabolism (you'll see what I mean in today's workout)

  2. Help…When I train legs I don't feel the quadriceps at all, I do goblet squats with 10/20 kg dumbels and reverse lunges because I have some pain in my right knee. I feel very well the back of the leg but not the front part. I'm 40 y 180 cm 76 kg. Some suggestions please?

  3. I need some exercise for butt muscles gluteus maximus , walking up the stairs is impossible cos i live at house not flat 😀😁😉 Happy Holidays from Romania ❤💛💙 Merry Christmas Mark 🎅🎅🎅

  4. Thank you for these workouts. Both of you guys are in really great shape. I tell the ladies in their 50's this is no time to slow down, keep moving and use good form, IF OMAD and Keto it works and it isn't hard to do. Your workouts are burning the fat and creating a lean strong body!

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