1. exactly. Fat Thor is a reminder that EVERYONE can become a superhero if he decides too whether you were addicted to videogames and chips or not. You can always make the concious decision to take action.

  2. I think when Chris read the script for Thor getting bodied by thanos, he prolly decided to change his characters appearance that’ll make viewers think he was in a weak state (when he prolly wasn’t) in order to save thors reputation as one of the strongest characters. So making Thor seem like he’s in weak state would make ppl believe he can still easily redeem himself to be the one of the strongest again

  3. Loose your entire family Wich happened to me and all my friends due to drugs.its not for comedy you loose people close to you your body and mind will crumble for enough time it takes to heal and u out never really heal.i also got fat took Xanax like gummie bears and did nothing but get fucked up and eat

  4. If you believe the media then there are way too many people out there that are upset over fat Thor. If anyone is upset then they are way too serious and probably live in a fantasy world most of the time instead of facing real life. People, the world isn't perfect, there are real life obese people in our world. Instead of complaining about a fictional movie characters weight gain go out and do something constructive like volunteering your time, helping someone less fortunate than you and even lose weight and get in shape if you're obese. Did he say something like I want to be like humans and be fat, drunk and lazy? No Did he say I'm making fun of people who are fat, drunk and lazy? No The character he played was funny but wasn't meant to offend anyone. This politically correct crap is getting ridiculous. Lighten up people and get a life!!!

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