1. That dog Shud have its own channel … hilarious….and Jaz….that laugh when Jacob walked into the wall….on his own property …go figure lol….great content

  2. Craig you have to check out more NF songs, they're great workout songs!! I don't think I've ever laughed so hard with one of your videos 😂 thank you so much, such a great way to start my work day

  3. Hey Craig! Not sure what the rehab protocol is for your back but do you ever do reverse hyper holds? So basically just support the torso and then engage the lower lumbar and glutes and just static hold for 20-30 seconds? I jacked up my L4-5 disc forever (2007) ago and it took me what seemed like forever to heal up with a lot of random relapses until I started doing those and after 3 days of doing those 3x a day, the pain stopped. Stability came back fast and a few months after that and ever since it was business as usual. YMMV, of course, but I thought I'd put it out there.

    Great content, BTW. You guys really show how these guys are as people AND how fit they are. Its awesome.

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