1. My machine also only went up to 20. Did 3 repeats and sweated like a pig. Almost fell of with the kickbacks but managed a very graceful recovery ( in my opinion lol). Am going to repeat this a couple of times a week and hope to see some results

  2. I have been doing level 10 to burn approximately 700 calories per workout 5 times a week. And I have noticed a big difference in 1 month. It takes me about 28 minutes on average to do. And yes always stretch after the stairmaster because my legs were really tight at work the following day from my workout. Lol

  3. I'll feel really self conscious doing the kickbacks because the machine is right next to the receptionist/personal trainer! Will I look stupid or is this what people do on stairmaster? I thought people just ran on it! 🤔

  4. I can’t sprint on a stair master lol I’d fly off the thing! I literally have to look down at every step I take on that thing. I have tried to look straight ahead while doing the stair master on a level 5 and a still can’t do it. I don’t know how the hell you can do it on a level 25 but kudos to you girl.

  5. I have never sweat so much so fast in my life 😶 I lift 5-6 times a week and thought I was pretty in shape. I couldnt get to any of the levels she did AND had to do shortened times. I did 4 rounds of each circuit and I was DYING.

  6. 30 second sprint? There’s no such thing. If you can go for 30 secs then the intensity is too low and it’s not anaerobic (without oxygen). That’s known as Fartlek training.

    Don’t get me wrong….It’s definitely not a total waste of time but there are far more optimal tools like a bike or elliptical for HIIT that allow you really maximise the sprint portion without the danger of falling on your face.

    The whole point of the sprint section is to activate those explosive, fast-twitch muscle fibres which don’t require as much oxygen. You’re not going to do that by just upping the ante.

    There are 2 phases:

    1. Sprint like a T-Rex is chasing you
    2. Recover, cruise, chill, until you’re ready to get chased again

  7. I definitely will not be following some of this info cause I don’t want to bust my ass and die BUT, I will say this, I do end up with an intense workout with the routine I do 🤗

  8. I have been doing the Stairmaster now for a whole month and i usually do it at level 8-10, maybe a 12'ish if im feeling lucky… 25??? I would probably die and faceplant and everyone would laugh at me… 🙁

  9. Will never understand why so many women (typically white) don't want thick thighs. Especially when they want their butts and hips to look bigger…

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