1. good nuggets of info in your talk. it takes a lot of pieces to the puzzle of health….to fit the variety of body types, situations, lifestyles, etc. etc.
    thank you!

  2. Did a 7 day water fast, was actually easier to do on a week where I work 5 out of 7 days, retried it when I had a week off from work and only lasted 3 days due to the boredom lol.

    Starting off an extended fast with a 24 or 48 hour dry fast seems to be easier, less hunger pangs.

  3. Great video gents! only relevant hit on something I've been doing for a few weeks now…

    My plan:
    I'm not trying to loose weight, since I OMAD (one meal a day), I will water-fast till around 3pm then switch to fat-fast via cacao butter wafers – based on my overall feel, up to 10 grams per hour until my eating window around 7pm…

    I feel fantastic, at least compared to 2 years ago when I relied on thyroid and hypertension meds (along with all sorts of skin creams).

    I'm a subscriber and look forward to your future thoughts on this topic!

  4. Hi! I've been researching the fat fast around the web, and I can only find recommendations for 800-1000 and 1000-1200 calories a day, where 95% or more of the calories comes from fat. Why do you recommend 80-100 calories a day, and how will this affect the body differently?

  5. Fasting is good stress. Your body is not stupid: fasting lets the body say okay – goody we’re going to start cleaning house. It goes after those cells that need to go – replace them with young and vibrant cells.

    Great Video. Go for Nutrition and weight adjustments will follow.

  6. Great info! Addressed it neatly and accurately!
    But I do wonder if intermittent fasting every day is gonna slow down the metabolism and cause bulima… I've been on keto for almost a year, and skipped my breakfast 90% of the time. I don't normally feel hungry now at breakfast time. But I also find if I have breakfast, I mostly would keep eating all day long…I want to lose weight and stay lean, but also be healthy. I gained the weight (5kg) I lost back for the past three months, for sure it was because I binged on nuts A LOT. But I also wonder if IF every day has had some effect on the weight gain too. I'm not overweight in any sense now but I prefer to be leaner… Really confused with the yearlong IF influence on the body here. Always appreciate the cool content and products of yours!

  7. Great information. I've been trying to reach autophagy by just fasting with zero to low calorie drinks fro 16-24 hours. Sound like I need to switch to 0 calorie and go at least 3 days to reach autophagy. Wish it was measurable.
    Any danger of slowing my metabolism or health risks in working out without adding fats? THANKS

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