1. It would have been better if I seen this specific “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it) a couple of years back. For 15 days of utilizing the programs, I lost TWELVE pounds There is certainly still need of workouts even only a couple of times weekly and the meals to nibble on should be ideal. It showed impressive outcomes for me. I surely endorse the item, wish it works as great for you since it does for me. .

  2. Most people between 40 & 50 years old who have done hard manual work most of there lives suffer from some sort of joint pain. Therefore a lot of these exercises shown on U tube for people in the above age category are simply impossible to do.

  3. Bueno, dependiendo de las capacidades morfo funcionales de cada quien claro, hay una ilimitada gama de esfuerzos que pueden hacer este grupo erario. Por último, en el ejercicio 4 sería mejor alinear la cabeza al tronco y no flexionar el cuello como si fuera a tocar el piso con la nariz – sólo una sugerencia. Saludos… 😉

  4. That's cool, but it's not too many older guys that are going to do any of that bouncing, or putting knees on the floor. In fact getting up off the floor is a whole 'nother exercise. Lol. Almost every older person I know complaints about the lower back & the knees.

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