1. Thanks bro , great plan, can u come with another plan with few more tasty yet nutritious food , like a version 2 it will help people who like options.

  2. I hope in today's life if I ask u that qstn it will may make no scenes… But what if ur recipe's raw materials costs too much for a family to afford them, and…

    what if that family is living with only as # LUNCH: " dul, rice, one aloo-sabzee curry and sometimes with omelette or onions"
    DINNER: 3-4 hand-chapatties, again one curry and tea.
    BREAKFAST: tea or milk and biscuits or piece-breads or leftover chapatties from last ni8.

    What if a per person normally sees the vegetables as only potato, onion, papaya and ladyfingers, beans only…..

    Ur that much variety of vegetables may be not affordable for some normal dialy earning-living families…..

    But I guess, EVEN A DOG NEED TO BARK AND BITE SOMETIMES… or else, THEY WOULD NOT EVEN CONSIDER AS DOGS… may b something more puny…

  3. Hi Vivek
    I am unable to cook these items since I am going to office can you please explain me a easy veg receipie which can be made easily and can reduce weight

  4. I had made diet plans for my relatives, friends and my family members. Everything worked well, I helped even a nine years old to loose some weight.
    I helped one of my aunt to loose weight, she said she lost atleast 1.5 kg in a week.
    I even made diet plan for myself when I was very low weight and also when I felt that I need to loose some kgs. I'm a maths student but I can advice to loose or gain some kgs (not the extreme cases)
    Each person has different diet because of his/her lifestyle, age and health

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