1. Hi Eric..be starting your workout anytime soon but I'm just wondering how long I should do this workout..I weigh 103.8 kg and my height is 163 cm..oh and I'm looking to doing this workout Mon – Fri too..

  2. How many days or weeks do you do beginner on. Just started working out for baseball. My cardio is horrible I just reached 200 first time in my life I’m 5’11. And I was gassed after this workout. How long till I see improvements and see the difference? Anabolic Aliens

  3. Another awesome workout you guys!!! I’m out of breathe and had to take my inhaler haha

    Need to get rid of my skinny fat body ????????????????????????

  4. I am making 2 days this workout and then 1 off and then again 2 in a week…Im eating only dinner and lunch…
    No sugar! I walk about 5km a day and drink a lot of water… Can I get fit like this?

  5. Thank you for this! I was looking for a good cardio circuit for my friend and I who are just starting to train seriously at the gym. We will be doing this tomorrow and I downloaded that timer!

  6. Followed this workout last Friday as my finisher. Dang guys! I never sweat that much in my air conditioned gym until I did this, completed 3 rounds and created 2 more sets with body exercises at the top of my head. Got the kind of sweat that only Muay Thai /Boxing sessions give me in an airconditionless gym. You guys are awesome! Absolutely love your videos, I follow them at home, in the gym or outdoors after a run. You guys are helping and motivating thousands and thousands of us out here. Much love from Manila, guys. Keep rockin!

  7. I started your workout routine i have a question
    can i do intense 5 minutes home workout 1&2 + 5 minutes dumbbell workout 1&2 means all 4 set together?
    day 1 chest 4 sets
    day 2 triceps 4 sets
    day three shoulder 4 sets as goes for rest of week

  8. Completely unrelated but what’s the difference between the Olympic bar and the vynal set? Also can I do the standard barbel exercises with a vynil set?(squat, deadlift, bench press)

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