1. I've done those exercises so many times , that i actually know exactly what she is going to say 😂…. Really worked for me though … I'm adding weights know … Good luck to everyone xx

  2. I've been doing it plus an hour dance also another 15 minute video everyday for almost 2 weeks. And free of 1-2 kilos also my butt was 97 and now 95

  3. First time here and i do all that you ask to do. So tomorrow I’ll come here again. Really really need those thighs not so tight🤣🤣🤣💪🏻😅

  4. This is my most favorite on the floor exercise. The first time I did this my bottom ached. But now I do 2 sets for each side and I love the result! I am down 1 size for my jeans. Thanks Lucy

  5. Lucy I have tried this workout of yours and it really worked. I have done it religiously and saw the results on my own. But one thing I want to ask you is can u please please make a video on removing saddle bags. Please I need this video, it's an Earnest request.

  6. Hi lucy i have been doing this workout for 2 weeks i can see changes i would like to ask if i do this workout with ankle weight will i get the same result or my thighs will be bulky

  7. Day1 May 19,2019: ✅
    Day2 May 20,2019: ✅
    Day3 May 21,2019:✅
    Day4 May 23,2019:✅ ( couldn't do it yesterday, but I won't give up)
    Day5 May 24,2019: ✅

  8. Hey Lucy , I have been doing this workout since 3 months, from 44 inches I have come down to 39 inches hip size but now I am kinda stuck, it is not working, can u suggest something. I can't jump as I have have a minor arthritis problem. I am 33 years age. Plz suggest something rigrous basically something floor excercises.

  9. Anyone know, is this a good workout for strengthening the legs? I don't really have issues with my legs, more my middle but I am starting a dance class in June and need to get stronger.

  10. Lucy: You'll feel it all of tomorrow.
    Me (who by now has jelly where the legs should be): I'll feel it all of this week and the next 😆
    Workout successfully completed! 😄 Soooo much burn – but I feel great 😄🤘

    EDIT: It's been a month since I've been doing this workout regularly, and boy does it work. Much more effective than the typical gym routines. I now declare myself a proud, happy (and of course, fit and healthy!) member of "Lucy's Squad". 😃

  11. I hurt my knee bad recently n unable to walk or jog..This workout routine is helping me out with strengthening my knees too..Thanks a ton.. 😍

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