1. U are motivating to me thxs …this is the story of my life i am writing thgs down now as u said cuz somthg always bump me from what i wan do for me etc so i am glad to find ur vid 🙂🖒gongrates on weight lost& finding ur way!

  2. Word for word I can relate to what you said about your past sleeping habits. That’s how I am now. I have read that physically your body will put on more weight, especially on the midsection, when you are sleep deprived.

  3. I started my weight loss journey officially last week. A month ago I weighed myself and saw I was a 197 pounds (I’m 5’9) and I was so disappointed. That was the heaviest I’ve ever been. So I started eating healthy first.. cutting out junk food little by little. Then I got a gym membership three weeks ago and I’ve lost 6 pounds so far.

    I try to eat at least 1600 calories a day and I go to the gym at least 5 times a week. My goal is 165-170. I pray I continue to have the motivation 😩 loved this video

  4. Awesome girl I'm so proud of you 💪 that's great. Can you subscribe me I'm getting ready to start a weight loss journey I hope you will follow me I could use your support and help thank you girl

  5. Good luck on your weight loss Journey new subscriber here I hope you succeed and reach the goals that you want to achieve im on my own Journey as well and I decided to document on YouTube maybe we can follow each other and motivate each other if you want❤💛 peace and love from vegas

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