1. u burn this energy everyday , do u take any nap in the middle of the day ? or just drink caffeine ( what kind ?) to least till night time to recover ? tks love ur channel and image

  2. I appreciate the videos! I am 48 years old so I train mostly compound lifts and then cardio. I do 15 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the Stair Master. This is working well for me, I am down about 30 pounds and at 14 percent BF. Keep up the great work and know we are looking forward to hearing from you and we do implement your advice!

  3. Hey Western, everyone, just to let you know i purchased the ebook a few weeks ago and its so great! Results have been excellent and love the simplicity of the routines. The one machine i dont have at my gym is the back extension so I have just been doing supermans and increasing the reps. Any other ideas? Anyway, Cant wait for the clothing line bro the tees look 👌 Oh and thanks for everything else too, the grooming tips etc etc really have made a difference in my life. Thank you & keep it up.🙏

  4. Just trained back earlier today. Hey I have a question about how to deal with glabellar lines or 11s between the eyes. Ive noticed you have it a little bit. What do you do and would you recommend getting botox shots or some type of filler for those. Ive got it bad.Thx.

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