1. Thank you Chloe for the video! I was stuck with leg sinking for the longest time, until I tried the drill #4 and I finally figured out which core muscle to use to keep the feet up. In addition it corrected my bad habit of pushing my hand down to breath. I swim so much more efficient now. 🙂 By the way drill #1 still seems impossible to me…

  2. Apart from those 3 main mistakes regarding sinking legs, what about very lean people/ body types (e.g. guys with “heavy”/ lean legs for example from running/ cycling/ fitness. I’m kinda in this category myself and find it the main reason for sinking legs, hence increased drag, increased energy expenditure and therefore being fatigued earlier. Any specific drills or approaches for that ?

  3. Greate video. I have a more basic problem. How do I kick those 12" kicks including the surface kicks. My kicks tends to be 6" and not hitting the surface all the time.

  4. Awesome video! Thank you for your recommendations! As you mentioned in your video it is not that easy to stay horizontal to the water surface while swimming the front crawl. For me at least it is extremely hard to do, my legs are sinking so much. I will surely do the drills you are recommending to do and see what happen! Have a pleasant day.

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