1. I've lost about 75 lbs over the course of a year. Weight loss has started to slow for the past few months. Its crazy how quickly the body adapts. I am not stressing it though and as long as I am not gaining I am fine.

  2. Thanks Colin! I’ve learned more about sustainable weight loss from you and Paul Revelia in the past month than anywhere else in the past 3 years.

    I lost 18 lbs in 2 months and gained it all back plus 6 pounds in the last 3 months. The only other time in my life I’ve dieted was losing 40 pounds in a year 3 years ago, and gained that back as well. I’m currently 5’11, 181, 20-24% bf.

    Should I start another cut since I’ve waited the same amount of time I was in a deficit or start reverse dieting?

  3. "When it's your choice, you're in control. There's a big different between saying you can't have something, and choosing that it's not the right option for you right now." That's so true! It makes such a difference feeling in control vs feeling like food controls you

  4. Is a high amount of activity but with a large calorie intake bad in the long term? I eat an average of 2100 calories, but do enough activity to be in a constant deficit of 200

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