1. I have lost around 10 kgs hoping to lose another 15- 20. I have a fine BMI for the army and can do every strength exercises besides pull-ups and need to work on running. But I'm just nervous about going to the gym. I want to but I just need that push.

  2. I passed my physical but was 20 pounds over my limit (6'0 200LBS) is the requirement, I need help Ik how to lose it but don't wanna lose my muscle mass I've seen a massive growth on my pushups sit ups and my weight training, but wanna lose it without losing muscle math

  3. I just started doing the ADF diet to ensure I’m in a caloric deficit. My weight is finally going down. I need to drop 1 more inch in my gut and I’ll be good to join the army!!! Can’t wait

  4. Thanks so much for the advice. I’ve failed meps 3 times because I don’t meet the Army height/weight standard and go back in May🙄 I’ve been running 2+ miles and lifting every day with my recruiter and I’m not losing any weight but I’ll try the fasting and see if that helps

  5. Bro I'm 22 at 6'2 but they said I was 6'1 I weight 255 I was in montana the army told me I had to get down to 205 but here in Alabama they said I'm 6'1 and they can get me in at the weight of 230. And I'm trying to lose weight in the next 2 months to join at least or sooner what should I do

  6. Thanks so much for making these types of videos. I enjoy watching your channel, because you listen to your subscribers and viewers. And always respond and like the comments. I really appreciate your channel.

  7. fasting helps. can eat 10 meals a day just make them really small. Salad instead of that burger you been eyeing. Running at random times. You diet is a huge factor. I was 235 and the said I had to lose 6% which was fairly easy, in a month I dropped down to 209 which made them really shocked but it showed determination and I was in MEP’s the following week.

  8. Fitness fitness fitness fitness fitness
    I would enjoy the channel a lot more if you offered a lot mor fitness videos for the simple fact of coverage. You've put out so much content that is extremely helpful and yes there is a million fitness videos for joining the military but hearing and viewing how different people workout and the different ways of attaining physical fitness gives the viewers an all around of "okay, maybe I can take info from all of this and find my own way and what works for me". There can never be enough content for fitness

  9. Can you make a video on a total overview of basic preferably benning please? Maybe things to do to prepare for basic, knowledge wise. (I’m mainly nervous on remember the soldiers creed the army song and the other shit.)

  10. Id love more fitnes videos. Im just stuck on my last 5lbs trying to lose it. Im 1% over BMI. Im a bit stocky lower half and used to weight lifting and having trouble so any little tip helps.

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