1. I don't train for triathlons but I do enjoy swimming and I mix it up using a pullbuoy and a kickboard, aqua jogging, crunches, bicycle abs, star jumps etc. You've just got to be creative to get the most out of your swim.

  2. Great stuff. Personally I always set aside a few minutes every time at the end to have some fun. This could be playing around with balance in the water, getting better at divining/starts, doing some under lane rope swimming with breaststroke, taking a few runs down our small water slide etc. 🙂

  3. Do you guys think there's any time that's too late to start swimming? I'm 16 but almost all athletes I've seen have been doing what they do since they were really young. I'm not very athletic yet and can only basically do the strokes so realistically, am I too late?

  4. I'm a nerd. things that make the workout fun to me are going on weird off times, like 25's on 27.5 seconds, or decreasing the off time by 1 second each repeat (eg, leave on the 60, then the 60, then the 59, then the 57, then the 54, then the 50, then the 45, etc). Or rotating different distances of different strokes through a set.

  5. Can I work for GTN please?? I'd love to have that sort of lifestyle! 🙂 Now seriously, thank you for the contents you bring us, always fun, useful and full of good tips and ideas! Keep up the good work for us! 🙂

  6. For me, the most difficult part is actually getting up early and go to the pool. I cannot understand (but I am doing it) why swimming became kinda early morning exercise… However, as soon as I jump into the water, swimming is pairly fun all the time ^^

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