1. This keto diet thing is garbage – I have been on it for 7-8 weeks and I am not losing weight! I don’t eat any sugar or fruit or carbs – nothing – and my weight won’t go down! I just don’t believe all the stories from people saying they’ve lost loads of weight after a few weeks. I thought this would be a great diet and I cut out everything right away but I am fast losing all hope that this will work. Even watching these videos is depressing because everybody keeps saying how good it is and how fast your weight will drop – well for me it’s rubbish! I wouldn’t mind so much if all the hype was toned down a bit – if it was honest and said ‘don’t expect great results right away, as it’s gonna take months and months to lose a pound or two!
    Another thing I’ve noticed on this diet is that everything I need to eat seems to be so expensive. Or, I need to buy lots of gizmos and blenders and special powders and ingredients that my local supermarkets don’t stock and I need to purchase from Amazon at exorbitant cost! It doesn’t seem right when I am needing to eat steak and my kids are eating chicken nuggets or fish fingers!
    Then there’s the comments, “so how long have you been on this diet?” … and … “have you lost any weight?” I have to reply…, “well, I’ve not really been on it that long for any results to show!” When in fact, I’ve been on the keto diet for 2 months and my belly fat looks exactly the same!
    I only eat twice a day. I eat breakfast (eggs, streaky bacon or sausage and cheese) and dinner (meat, chicken or fish with broccoli + cauliflower) I sometimes snack on almonds at night. That’s it! I used to eat 3 or 4 times a day and still stuff my face with cake, biscuits, chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks, ice cream, sweets etc etc etc etc! So why am I not seeing massive results on this keto diet???

  2. The European Society of Cardiology made a press release the 28th of August of 2018 titled, "Low carbohydrate diets are unsafe and should be avoided" (you can google it; I''ve not included the link since a commenter told me it doesn't work when you open it from Youtube). I think I'll go with that.

  3. Been on Keto 4 wks under Nutritionist & dietician supervision. Goal not only to lose weight, but more importantly to come off medications such as; thyroid & anti-depressants. Nutritionist explains that if you’re on medication, you are not healthy. Being under doctor of nutrition supervision is the smart way to accomplish one’s goals. Over 10 lbs weight & inflammation lost so far. Very interested in continuing progress.

  4. I loved this video without the background music! You have great information, and you present it in an attractive and easy to understand manner. I have to say that with some of your other videos, I found the music distracting. I loved how with this video, I could just focus on the information! Thanks so much!

  5. Can someone with lactose intolerance and porphyria do this diet. I am in so much trouble with my weight, blood sugar, and strokes! I need help. Do not tell me to see a doctor as they know nothing about Keto or porphyria.

  6. Like everything in life I don't think this diet works for everyone and that's what some people so it does work for seem to be unconvinced. I can tell you all that I just gained 12 pounds. I'm so f**** unhappy I'll never use the keto diet again in my life

  7. This looks like a great diet. I'm willing and ready. I am an intermittent faster, but I can keto I hope during my 8 hours. I'll need to watch more videos to see. This is great

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