1. Literally to lose weight all you have to do is Water Fast for a week, eat something on a Saturday & Sunday repeat this for about 3-4 weeks you’ll lose about 30-40 pounds.

  2. I’m upset with my body. I’m 5,4 182 pounds I’m getting fat. I’ll wake up drink water goto school not eat lunch then I come home and all I wanna do is eat I’m so sick of it I need motivation

  3. "Starving yourself" is really bad advice. It's unsafe to lose more than 1 pound a week. And it's really easy to fail when you're hungry every day. The best advice I ever got when I was losing weight was to never put myself in a situation where I felt hungry. That means eating extremely filling, low-calorie foods while remaining in a calorie deficit. That's sustainable. There's some good advice in this video, but please folks, don't starve yourself.

  4. I've got a weird confession. I never realized this until recently, and I'm knocking on half a century's door. I am blind in my mind's eye. In other words, I can't visualize myself at a different weight. I can't even visualize an apple. It's insane, but true. Do you have any suggestions to replace the visualization part of motivation?

  5. Hi. You told us to comment. I'm at that 3 week stage were I find myself sruggling with motivation. I lost 1,2 kg in 2 weeks and gained weight after 2 nights of partying ('cause I got a new job). sigh … But your video helped me. thanks

  6. Yep, the hardest aspect of this losing weight and getting back in shape is the fact is takes SO long to really start seeing results. I am now starting again with a new focus. I am now focusing on getting a set goal of physical activity six days a week. I am working on mood change and not the fact I don’t like my body shape nor size.
    If it’s about wanting my body to look a certain way, I give up. Honestly, I am a very tall women and I have always wanted to be small and tiny, which is just never going to happen. Never.
    I am at this age where I can not be stupid about it anymore, 50, and a much more realistic and possible goal for me is to make choices to work towards more energy and a happier brain, which exercise really helps me with. I have made a positive connection between moving and feeling better. That is something immediate and daily positive, regardless if I I am losing weight.

    When I focus on the weight loss, I end up feeling really resentful, angry and self- pity kicks in, then I find my reserve for resisting the comfort foods I enjoy is diminished. It’s a powerless feeling to work SO hard at weight loss and not see results. Last year I was working out twice a day and gaining weight..in the midst of hormonal imbalance and major life change stress. That’s even more maddening..
    So, I choose right now to forgo anger, and just focus on the fact getting moving improves my mood. I like that. If nothing else, I have a happier brain, and at the end of the day, it is enough.
    Thanks for the great video.

  7. Of course you can lose more than 2 pounds a week what the fuck are you talking about. I lost 10 pounds in one week with walking, fasting, reducing water retention, and low caloric intake.

  8. i need to lose 90 pounds i weigh in at 230, my goal is to lose most of it in a year possibly 60lbs. gonna start dec 31 2018. ive been doing little workouts 3times a day to get me in the mindset for about a week but i wont seriously start until that day. wish me success.

  9. I am feeling very sad lately. I feel like my weight is out of control. I am very stressed a lot with trying to balance being a mom of three active boys, keeping up with my home, and working on my portfolio for starting my photography business. There is barely time for me, and rising early is so hard for me because I am so tired all the time. Believe or not I successfully lost weight before 2x. Unfortunately, I gained a lot in my first pregnancy and since having kids I cannot seem to lose much. I know what healthy eating looks like, and how important activity is. The problem is my mind. Another major thing I struggle with is what to make me weight loss goal. As silly as it sounds I am scared to aim for my goal of 130 to 135. I am on 5'4, but I tend to having a medium to large bone frame so when I was 135 before I was a size 3/4. A few people I thought were my friends said I looked older at 135 and did not look good. One friend said it looked like I aged 10-years. You see I cannot win. When I was a little chubby, practically a normal weight my ex-husband grabbed my waist fat saying I should work on it. When I was in this same relationship and gained 10 lbs. 6 to 7 years in and was overweight he did not like that. Then I worked hard going on Jenny Craig and I lost 40 to 45 lbs and guess what? He said I was too skinny and did not look right. I am scared I will never feel happy with myself. Somebody always has something negative to say. I am so nervous if I get to 135 even though it is within my healthy weight range 111 through 145, I will look old. Please help thnx

  10. I challenge you to go to Hailey Pomroy's Fast Metabolism Diet website, do the research, study her work, hear the testimonials, and then tell her she's "full of sh1t." She is highly respected, a scientist, and knows what she is talking about. I would be careful before making such a harsh blanket statement about genuinely good people who know what they are talking about.

  11. I am 13 years old at the age of 14 I expect to lose the same amount of weight you lost I weigh 236 and I have not been listening to my mom when she says I can die. I have been scared of walking outside if my house to lose weight now I am just going to listen to my motivation aka my mom for always trying to push me to lose weight and because of this video I will. Thank you for your video and being apart of my motivation. See you in 4 to 5 months

  12. I was so enthusiastic to try this diet regime “fetching tuti space” (Google it). My friend dropped 11 lbs on this plan. After 3 weeks of following it, I managed to shed twelve lbs. I truly haven`t transformed my lifestyle significantly. The plan taught me how to regulate the amount of fat I consume..

  13. Very well done and Thankyou so much for motivation thanks 👏🏻 i was looking who motivate me because i will start my diet tomorrow and I imagine myself from 78 to 60kg in one year now and i know i will do it Thankyou for give me motivation and clearing my fears 👍🏻 i will definitely comment again when i weight myself on 60kgs In’sha’Allah tc

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