1. I learned how to swim when I was 11.. and I started competitive swim last year, but I only went to one meet because my anxiety was dragging me away from confidence because my times are bad.. like I try to swim faster.. yet i get exhausted.. for example my time for my 50 free is 42 seconds (I know it's super bad).. but anyways any tips on how to keep a constant speed without your legs giving out or at the end feeling like you are being suffocated? Because I really do want to get over my fears and compete this year..

  2. "She's done a lot of training and been very consistent. So all these changes don't come without the hard work and the consistent, regular swimming involved as well." (At the end of the video).
    Thanks for pointing that out.

  3. The first part was not clearly explained. How to extend you hand underwater ? Do I let my finger tips touch the top of the water or deeper inside the water ? This part is not clear

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