1. So I'm running about 200m a day before legs are getting sore and breathing gets heavy. Yes I'm Unfit but am trying to get fit again only problem is I know I'm hurting myself more then doing good I feel. Also I need to be able to run 600m and do 50 stairs in under 3min in 3 Weeks time. Is there away I can accomplish this?

  2. This is great! Quick, to the point but very effective. No bullshit, love it. Keep it up bro. You helping us help ourselves out here. Peace ✌🏿

  3. Around a month ago, I was doubting myself and saw one of your videos which helped me a lot. In one month, I've made some decent process but today I started doubting myself again. Youtube never suggested me your videos until today. blessing man, this has helped.

  4. Thanks Matt. Your video was spot-on. I plan to follow your 3-Steps ASAP! I’m in a Fat Lose Challenge where weigh-out Day is 4/6/2019. My Plan is to follow the darn instructions. Meditation and ensure I’m in a happy state i# key. Making Smart Choices.

  5. I’d love to learn more about how to stop comparing my body to others. When I see stuff like this thumbnail I think about how I can’t look like that as a 4’11 woman even if I did lose weight. So this is a personal problem of mine that explains what you are saying about keeping me from attracting these things. But I also can’t raise my vibration to grow taller and have a leaner body? Thoughts?

  6. Great video! Changing vibration really does make a transformative difference in life. Love the first tip of changing self image!! That is key! Our reticular activation system can always be reprogrammed with visualisation, which in turn changes our results long term…..Lots of love and blessings 🙂

  7. I've tried everything to lose weight, I'm 13 and a half stone which is 189 lbs, I'm eating better now but still find it hard to lose weight, I got to 183lbs ladt month bit put it back on, I walk but can't run anymore as I've a knee injury, anyone help me? 🙁

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