1. Sitting at home in my gym stuff waiting for my class tonight and I was feeling totally unmotivated till I watched this! ♥️ also eBay have resistance bands if you still need them!

  2. I'm so excited for this series! Just a heads up, chia seeds can cause leaky gut so they aren't good for people with bowel or auto immune issues or arthritis. And raw spinach (or kale) isn't great for people with bowel or kidney issues. It took me years to figure out smoothies were putting me into chronic fatigue/arthritis/migrane relapse. The kidney specialist I saw put me onto it.

  3. Love this! You look totally great but it's good to feel as fit and healthy as possible. I try to eat nutrient dense, unprocessed foods as much as possible, and then I find I don't snack at all between meals. It's about finding what works for you. Love, love, love that you are getting fit and strong on a budget! Inspirational 💪👍💖

  4. I'll be following you on your journey Sophie, I am a lady in my 60's who started her own journey for health reasons just over 18 month's ago, so far I have lost nearly 6 stone (probably nearly what you weigh lol) I am awaiting a hip replacement so atm vigerous exercise is out the question but I do like the idea of when going upstairs go up, down and back up again I am going to start doing that. Good luck Sophie. x

  5. hey hey heyyyyY! Lil disclaimer – skinny-fat isn't a prescribed word, it is a term commonly used to describe someone appearing slim but is actually suffering the same complications someone with obesity may suffer. Regardless, love your body for what it is. I love that my body can give me so much, I can run, walk, do handstands (kinda haha) and its mostly healthy, BUT i want to give it the best I can possibly give it, which involves sorting my diet and exercise out a wee bit! Thanks so much for watching and let me know if you are new here! Or if you are following me on this journey ❤️

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