1. I’m SO happy for you❣️I have been having health issues like passing a kidney then bladder stone and complications with my knee replacement and then I get depressed and eat badly. 😔 ages ago when I had a big way loss success I would have every day oatmeal with a hard boiled egg for breakfast, a weight watchers meal and a fruit for lunch and a salad for dinner. I lost 2 lbs a week for a total of 60 lbs. I love weight watcher meals. They are really good. But I worked than and now I am home 24/7 and eat and gain weight.

  2. Congratulations to you! I’m on a weight loss journey myself, and boy oh boy, somedays are truly a struggle. But so is being overweight, so weight loss it is!😆 You’re doing awesome hun, keep pushing. New subbie!😊✨

  3. Hon I am 60 yrs old. In 2007 I started to think to myself I have to do something today. I have lost 185 lbs. I eat a med potato, chicken and some hot sauce. I'm not eating any processed food. I'm with you I'm not eating any fast food or processed food. I'm only eating white meat chicken if I eat any meat.

  4. New Subscriber here , and Congrats on your weight loss !!
    If you want to learn about food / nutrition , watch Dr. Eric Berg ,
    he gives out 2 new videos daily , Friday he's on LIve on You Tube
    and Facebook ……you will lose a lot from him …..
    He has over 3 Million Subscribers and over 100's Million Views ,
    people from all over the World .

  5. I lost 16 pounds in 4 weeks , yes , you read that correct , I've never lost that much weight in my entire life .
    What am I doing , Intermitting Fasting , I lose one pound a day . I sleep 8 hours a night ( make sure you get
    into your deep sleep ) sleeping is when you lose the weight .
    Drink water and exercise daily ( mix up your exercise daily , never work the same muscles ) . Eat Organic
    if you can , or if you've an Aldi , they've some good foods , at a cheaper price .
    I've learn so much from Dr.Eric Berg , Dr.Mindy Pelz , among other doctors on You Tube .
    Do a lot of Research on You tube , that's where all the FREE health is …..if you're serious about losing weight.

  6. BINGO ………….IF YOU THINK Food Companies , Drug Companies , etcccccccc all care for you and your family ,
    You've A Rude Awakening , They Don't !!! The ONLY Thing , they care for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
    Process foods aren't good , I stopped eating that crap , 6 1/2 years ago , and guess what , I feel 100% better ,
    mentally and physically . I've more energy , clarity ( no brain fog ) , Arthritis / Inflammation , 100% better ,
    and the list goes on and on and on , etccc .

    That must've been so hard which means you do have the potential and you always have!!! Please keep going with your diet cause I subscribed to you a loooong time ago. And now that I'm seeing you know you actually look much less bigger!! Like a lot like almost half. Like that is soooo amazing now I wanna lose weight haha
    You're an inspiration keep being you girl ❤️

  8. #1. Can I move in with you? It’s beautiful where you live. #2. You are so random, I love it! #3. We are not only addicted to fast-processed foods, we are also addicted to their CONVENIENCE! #4 Stick to your low carb diet, your taste buds will change, and you’ll start CRAVING REAL FOOD!!! Yay! Onward to 60 lbs lost! Congratulations!💪🏻💥👏

  9. You are so on target! It's all about the money. The more we buy and eat processed foods the more big companies make. You don't see them eating that stuff. So… what is white, powdery and highly addictive? No, not that. I'm talking about processed flour and sugar. Michael Moss wrote a book called Salt, Sugar, Fat in 2013 about this very subject. I'm reading it now and it is really interesting. I switched to a mostly plant-based whole foods diet a month ago. While I have lost only 10 lbs I feel soooo much better. I can't see me going back to "diet foods" and packaged stuff again.

  10. Thanks for being our coach Miss Stephanie! I love to watch your videos…I love how you keep surprising yourself…and how it motivates us to continue. It’s nice to have a « virtual «  friend in your corner. Sometimes your « real » friends are strangely not that supportive! That is a bit of a head scratcher. But I digress…THANK YOU so much for sharing and nudging us along in our journey. We gots MAD love for ya girl! 💗

  11. Hi Fabby and big huge congrats on your weight loss! 🥳👏🏼❤️🌈✨🌞With big business as far as processed foods, it’s all about $$$! They are not in the health business – they are in the BS business! You have made your way of eating a lifestyle. It makes a difference when you do that! Low carb high fat medium protein, no sugar and cooking whole foods is the way I eat daily. No packages. Farmers markets. Cooking my meals at home. Restaurants are traps for toxic yuck too. Yep it works! 😉😊❤️ Hooray for US. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Love ya girl!

  12. start at low carb high fat then progress to keto and then on to Carnivore. you'll be overjoyed at your results and you won't be hungry… works especially well for diabetics.

  13. Congratulations! You're so right about the processed foods…it makes a huge difference to cook and eat whole foods. I've really enjoyed using Hungryroot to have healthy food in my fridge and pantry – there's lots of videos on my channel about it if you're curious. Anyway – keep up the good work! And I love your scenery! – Vince

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