1. Just discovered your channel not to long ago and I am hooked! I just signed up for the yearly membership even though I forgot to use the coupon code😭. But I’m excited and happy to support your business. All the workouts are realistic especially for someone whose just starting out.

  2. Kola, I'm curious to know if your workouts can help kids and goals they want to accomplish. I'm young, and though I'm not overweight or a little chunky I still do your exercises to stay in shape and healthy. I do it cause I choose to and want to. So can your workouts help kids? Or are they strictly for adults?

  3. Koboko can y make plz the photo for each video like that before opening the video we know the video is about ABS or buttocks or legs … like the first videos i've watched from your debut

  4. Heyy guurl, I just wanted you to know that Jesus loves every single one of us. He came to die on the cross so that our sins can be forgiven. You might not be a believer or you might be one, but I just wanted to spread some truth. I don't mean to scare anyone about anything. But please, I just want you to know that he forgives us of all our sins, and he is also merciful. There is truly life after death, that is where our eternity is spent. We can be with our heavenly father, or we could end up into hell, which was not made for us but the devil. Jesus truly loves us, and he says he will also be coming back reallly soon.He doesn't want us to perish(go to hell) but live with him in heaven, after death. If you want to find him, Start today, we don't have much time. His arms are open wide. Bless you sis and take care.

  5. Hey guys!!
    I'd like to start a group chat full of people who want to lose, gain weight or want to do sports more often. I'd really like to have people in there who support and help each other. I think it would help me very much to keep my goal when I know there are people who stand behind me.
    My family doesn't support my idea of losing weight, because they think I already have a good body and I shouldn't lie to myself. But I feel so unconfident in my body and I know I'm not the only one. People say to me that it should love myself but I can't I just feel uncomfortable.
    I want to change it so bad but I tried many times and failed because I didn't really believed in myself and I had no one to talk to. I don't wanna tell someone my plans because I think it's embarrassing and I know they wouldn't support me, they would try to stop me.
    I'm a student and my mother cooks for me so its hard for me to maintain my diet. They always think I want to starve myself when I don't eat as much as I usually do. I don't like doing sports in groups because I had some bad experience as a child. I sometimes workout in my room but I do it as quiet as possible so no one hears me.
    That's why sometimes I stop working for my dream because everything seems to be against me all the time.
    I know some of you struggle with the same problem and that's why I want to create this group chat. It's for motivating us doing sports, giving Tipps for others, sharing new ideas or videos you recently found, quotes that inspired you and want to share, showing results and believe in each other.
    I think that this will help us all!! ❤️
    If you're interested please send me a direct message on my Instagram (x_wys_x). I don't know if we create a group chat on Instagram because I think telephone numbers for whats app may be for some people too private. But if everyone is okay with that we can create the group chat on what's app. If you have a suggestion where we can create the chat, please leave a comment.
    Thx for reading 💕 Have a nice day

  6. Hi, sorry if I seem to be a bother but I have a question for you on the reducing breast size exercise, I’ve started today and was wondering if I should stay on a diet to see better results, also how long do you think it’ll take to see results?

  7. Could you make a low impact workout schedule? I would really love it! I broke my knee twice and it's hard to do the lower body workouts…so please? 😊 love from China and really appreciate the workouts they're so good! 🥟😋🐖🐷🐽🤗🤗😍😍

  8. Great video again! Yehey, it's my birth month! Hope you could make it special by checking out my channel and I hope it's not so much to ask for support. It would mean so much to me. Thank you in advance, amazing people. Much love from Cebu. 😘

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