1. I'm sitting in McDonald while watching it. Because I don't want to waste my internet for this. ( McDonald has free WiFi)

    Who is storming area 51 I have the perfect plan for this.

  2. Damn, it definitely got me sweating more than the long upper body strength workout I just did before this. I managed to do the hardest versions in sync with Daniel. We both dropped on our knees at the tricep pushups, what can you do man? They hard after all those other pushups 😂 Other than that, I’m so happy for showing up and doing this too because now I feel like I truly worked my arms to a whole other level 💪 Oh and I absolutely love this workout as a burnout. It’s super fun, made me push myself hard and it definitely burned out my arms 🔥 #FBFit2 Day 23 Extra Challenge complete! 23.07.19

  3. This was not as hard as I expected it to be after reading the comments. I even did the hardest version in most of the exercises and woah, am I stronger or what? 😁 Said I wouldn’t show up for the extra challenge…. I lied XD. Added to my favorites cause damn, quick and a fantastic burnout 🔥 #FBFit2 Day 23 Extra Challenge complete! 02.04.19

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