1. This workout will only work if you are on gear….a natural would never be able to do this kind of volume and get results. A natural would build up way too much cortisol which is counter productive to muscle growth….

  2. this man is upcoming coach for many olympians. he has top notch knowledge of training and nutrition. if someone ask me who is Einstein of bodybuilding, the answer is king kamali

  3. Great way to grow for naturals 😆 10days of soreness, even as an enhanced athlete , those techniques are great but in one workout – the third and foourth exercise will just be junkvolume

  4. Hallo Kamal, thanks for your free content and you pct system, you help me very much 🙏 Please can you tell me in with video you talking about the insulin using to survive?! Greatest from Germany

  5. King, you always talk of high volume and getting the blood to the muscle with crazy high reps. A lot of pros say the pumps not necessary to grow but rather to lift intense, heavy, low volume. Do you think both styles work, or are pump chasing workouts superior?

  6. King, the only thing that threw me off was the test enethate during your pct…. must be a low tapering dose? Goodness I wish you could make a video elaborating the best YouTube standards would let… well wishes King!

  7. Funny shit !
    The no sex b.s. started in boxing…urban legend, said it would make you weaker or negatively effect performance.
    I think it just made you more aggressive not screwing!

  8. Thanks King Kamali. Very good information on biceps and triceps. Its make sense. I will try this for sure. Good video like always. Can't wait for another one. God bless you. Keep up the good work.

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