1. Feeling a little relief since I changed it from 46 pounds to 40 pounds. Regret not being extreme from day 1 but you can't turn back time. Don't have regrets eat less, less sugar and exercise TODAY. We can all do this! Please subscribe, comment and like. That really helps me out. Thank you.

  2. Hi Mieka! You’re rocking it!!! would you be my accountability partner at the start of 2019? I’ve tried on my own but it doesn’t take much to fall off if it’s just myself to have to be accountable to😒. I used to vlog but not comfortable with it anymore but I may reconsider. Good luck you got this👍🏽

  3. Hi Mieka! It's Wendy, I'm still here! I am still following you. I got super sick and still pretty sick and so tired. Weight keeps going to 167 then back to 169 and 170 and I don't get why. Might be the meds and being sick. I don't know. Will update better details when I feel better but its been a week and I don't want you to think I bailed. I am still with you! Just.. ick. 40 is good. I am about giving up on getting to 159 by Christmas but original goal was 169 and I changed it. Trying to be good with that but I get obsessed. Talk to you soon. Keep going girl. You can do it!!

  4. Congrats on your weight loss and you are killing it. I was feeling tired on Saturday myself. I think I am not getting enough electrolytes. I am going to buy some pink salt I heard about and start taking vitamins to see if that helps. Great job Mieka 🙂

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