1. I seriously adore you so much! Your style, your energy, your charisma! Im moving back to the Bay Area in September and Im always looking for a new rave fam and I resinate with you so much! I hope to meet you one day and totally vibe! Keep doing what you do babe! We love you!

  2. This is the realist transformation video I've ever seen. It's so straight forward, no bull. Great photos for the different stages and great tips with video aswell!

  3. Tara I love to hear about your journey 🙂 would really recommend to stop saying that you are sorry for doing certain things e.g. rambling (people come here cause they wanna hear you speak) or not uploading certain videos (your channel, your choices), lots of love! ♥

  4. omg thank you for showing us the different stages of your body and mentioning how its normal for bodies to fluctuate all the time !! mine does but I didn't realize how normal it is and would beat myself up for it

  5. omg bishhh, same here, everyone always be telling me i got a husky voice. I take it as a compliment goil. love ur voice<3 n ur channel<333

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