1. Waw QUEEN ! Such a beautiful soul! You’re so positive, real simple and down to earth ❤️🦋 J’aime tellement LA, favorite place in the world, si je pouvais je déménagerais là demain! Est-ce que tu passes la majorité de ton temps là-bas plus tôt qu’au Canada parce que c’est un endroit plus motivant?

  2. I love rice too😋🤤 hajaja another amazing video Lauralie👏🏻 that’ s a perfect example that you shouldn’t eat only lettuce and chicken in prep..! In love with your coach too🤣🥔 🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚 ⬅️ that’s the keyy! Ms olympia champion is comingg💕🐴

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