1. These videos have really helped me alot… The other video with the ten essential pressups have relieved me from back pain and have helped put me on a road to better fitness overall. I probably will never be able to do one arm pull ups or handstands, just keeping fit without having severe muscle, joint and bone pain is a bonus and these exercises have helped immensely. Thanks a million.

  2. i dont know what to do im not overweight im just skinny and i dont know if i should be doing workout that do fat loss dont . get me wrong im not like anarexic skinny im just normal skinny but im not sure if i should be doing these work outs if im losing fat any help?

  3. Hey I was wondering, I'm really getting inspired by your videos, but I have one issue. I injured my left should pretty bad and multiple times, I was wondering if you had any reccomendations as to videos on how I could really get started on training this shoulder back to normal so I can start my transformation into doing these extreme workouts. I have a goal and I'd like to reach it, can you help me?

  4. This guy is awesome! Great explanations and very motivating! We actually just put out a beginner ab routine aswell. We invite everyone to check out our routines and motivation videos!

  5. hi everyone ill get straight to the point, im here doing market research for a new website that allows a private training session to be broadcast live with a fully qualified instructor. its a bit like that paleton bike but theres a few changes i wont get into at the minute, but i can say that its designed to be for people who:

    1. dont have much "spare" time
    2. cant afford a gym membership
    3. dont like the thought of exercising in front of other people

    it can be accessed anywhere and sessions can be carried out anywhere with lots of private trainer sessions to choose from, there will be no membership fee it will be free to sign up. you can choose what kind of session you want e.g. if you're training legs you search for a leg session etc… you can also choose a session with or without weights 

    my question is does this appeal to you? 

    do you like the thought of being able to access a live session that suits your needs?

    from what ive said what strike your interest most? 

    and lastly what do you think could make it better?

    thanks for looking

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