1. My tummy which is my only real fat area that I just cannot shift, feels kind of crampy and odd. I pray this works as it's getting me down not being able to lose on this specific area!! Thank you for your hard work, I'm very grateful. 💜💜💜

  2. I found you through the suggested videos. First your videos are very informative.
    I just made YouTube channel so I'm definitely doing research. Thanks for all your
    help. Please keep it up! Just Subbed!

  3. Hell yeah I need this I went to a public fair for a couple of days working for my boyfriend selling his jewelry I ate pretty good but some stuff I could definitely kill fat cells

  4. Yesterday I listened solfeggio for stomach pain and it worked so this will too. And my heart chakra has healed because of meditation etc. So why not, I think this will boost my metabolism and help the fat burn from my stomach! Thank you!

  5. Woah? I was just looking for a new fat burning video of yours and bam. Thnx I can feel the burn while typing right now. I hope this one is more powerful than any.

  6. Large chest inhale with reverse belly breath (pull belly button to spine). Slow, leaking exhale. Have black coffee prior to practice and drape a blanket over your shoulders.

    I drip sweat as though I’ve exercised 20min. Hope this helps someone!

  7. I'm not over wait,, I could do with alittle fat as just round the corner is winter I need reserves to keep alittle Warner, I've always been slim as I active young girl always riding bike everywhere skipping circuit course's

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