1. Hey Jason, i've been on your novice 2.0 program for the past year and am nearing the intermediate stage. Would you say that it is necessary for me to switch to an intermediate program, or would I still be able to milk out most intermediate gains running this same linear progression program?

    The exact program is shown below. I perform the program 2-3 times a week dependent upon recovery needs.

    BP 5X5
    SQT 5X5
    PR 5X5
    OHP 3X5
    Chinup 3×5

    BP 5X5
    SQT 5X5
    DL 1X5
    OHP 3X5
    Chinup 3×5

  2. Cop, Consider yourself awared that Bart Kwan is now selling Barbell brigade pre workout that will give you a 2-3 hour high instead of a 30 minute high like other pre workouts, this way 150lbs kids won’t have to snort lines of preworkout half way through their 15lbs half curls and 1 inch rack pulls. They will only have to take one big snort before their workout and it’s guaranteed to last. Do with that awaredness what you will.

  3. Hey everybody, it's Jason blaha here. Now that my 2 obligatory fashion videos are done for the day, it's time to talk about fashion tips in the men's style community

  4. Your thoughts on Enhanced Athletes taking Cialis and Viagra Pre Workout for better blood flow/Nitric Oxide Production/Pumps/Also known to boost testosterone production while reducing estrogen levels.?

  5. What should I do now that I’m stuck at 365 x 7 deadlift with a 425 max
    Currently doing 1×5 at 173lbs

    Squat at 295 x 10 max 385
    Bench at 185 x 8 max 215
    Training 10 months

  6. One person has a heart attack on a preworkout with an amphetamine in it and ephedrine is banned. Who-knows-how-many people develop chronic inflammation on the Smith machine every day and they’re still in every commercial gym. Interesting how the supplement industry is held to such a different standard than the mechanical engineering industry. More lay people, I would think, know the risks of taking uppers better than they know the risks of the Smith machine. But if it’s the consumer’s onus to accept the risks of using the Smith machine, you’d think the machine would be made illegal long before ephedrine was, if public safety really is the primary concern (hint: it isn’t)

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