1. I just used the row machine for the first time today. I'm never going back to any other cardio machine. After watching this video, my form was obviously waay off so that's something I'm going to work on.

    Also this video was like mediation for me…

  2. I was pleasantly surprised to the Concept 2 at the gym I just joined and so I was able to follow your video along almost exactly. I feel like my legs didn’t do anything even though the resistance was set at 8. Am I doing something wrong? Could the machine be broken?

  3. I've been watching the Dark Horse videos for several weeks and really enjoy these follow along workouts. This one is such a good one to learn technique. Thank you, Shane!

  4. Thank God for "YouTube, this was a great video for beginners! Didn't have anyone who would come out to show me how to use the gym equipment where you're on your own, then I thought of You Tube. I'm a Senior & trying to get back in shape on my own, rarely have transportation to use my "Silver Sneakers" card at other gyms where someone can help me but I'm workin' on it. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  5. I still love this! Each time I manage a few more meters. Am not able to do every day, but plan to do more often the next few weeks. Thanks, again, Shane! I recommend this video and your channel to anyone starting rowing.

  6. Shane….I’m increasing my distance 🎉
    Thanks for this video it really has helped figure out my form, and quick question should you butt hurt?

  7. This was the first workout I ever did on the rowing machine. Felt like I need a bit more practice specifically on technique, but overall it was really good. Made it to the end with 3268m.

  8. Why do you have 5km after that workout and I only got 3km ??? Was following along very simultanously. Only difference is I use a Water Rowser from Life fitness (set on level 2).

  9. OMG, I made it to the end! That's the longest I've rowed at one time yet. I'm 62 and just got my Concept model E rower. Previously I had managed 12 minutes on the gym rower. I'm not sure if I can do this workout every day yet, but maybe every other day? I feel pretty bushed! My legs are wobbly! Hope this machine can help me lose some weight without being too tough on my knees. If it strengthens my quads that might help my kneecaps track better. Should I worry that I only rowed 2495 meters?

    Now if only the Concept 2 people can help me get my monitor mounted properly. The bolt only goes through part way and gets stuck, can't attach the nut. At least I can use it, it gets stuck on pretty firmly.

    Anyway, thank you, this workout should really help me! Enjoyed the strapless part!

  10. Amazing! At first I was worried about it being “Beginners” but that was really effective and perfect. I’ve been doing these videos for almost 4 months and love it. Perfect progression workout

  11. Amazing! At first I was worried about it being “Beginners” but that was really effective and perfect. I’ve been doing these videos for almost 4 months and love it. Perfect progression workout

  12. Very informative when reviewing your data versus what I got. I need to learn more, my meters were half that amount. Interesting. I’ll be doing this again and again until I get your numbers. Thank you

  13. i bought a hydraulic rowing machine the other day. Used it for ten minutes and today, well, I'm pretty sore. It gives me a new respect for this exercise.

  14. I had a rower delivered yesterday not a Concept 2 though due to finances and space available, it's a compact air rower, set it up and went hell for leather for about a minute and was worn out, i found this video and put my tablet on the rower over the display and copied this routine stroke for stroke and managed to make it to the end. Mainly made my arms ache more than anything….well i am 60yrs old.
    I do cycle as well but weather dependant, i have subscribed and thanks.

  15. Appreciate these workouts!! Thank you. Please keep doing them. I’m not an experienced rower but have been trying to do on my own. These have been great follow.

  16. Thanks, I'm starting back at rowing and this looks to be a good "back to basics" workout. Rather than assume I have technique sorted I'm going to concentrate on the feel rather than the effort for a few weeks and see how it goes. I'm hoping it will help with my balance with a view to a more relaxed, less tense workout.

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