1. Ive been always wondering this
    Is it better to fix your diet first then start working on your butt or do it at the same time
    ( ive always ate very little but in the process of fixing it)

  2. I've done some of your videos before (not as persistent as i should of done) but being pregnant now can you show a list of your videos that's still safe to do while pregnant?

  3. So I have a question. I’m trying to get a butt but also trying to flatten my tummy. I’m average weight if not underweight. Should I start by fattening my tummy out or can I work out both?

  4. The #3 reason is always twisted and covered with lies, you know those lines: "I work out and eat almost nothing yet i do not lose any weight" or "I was skinnier than you but after the childbirth I gained weight". Having great body is like having great career or great relationship – it needs constant maintenance. There's no need to apologize, lie or look for excuses when the results speak for themselves. In the end, YOU are the one getting hurt the most.

  5. I’m an “apple shape” which means I have a flat ass, muffin top and belly fat. Did the booty combined with hip dip workouts for a month, had to go a size up to fit my bum and hips but my jeans are baggy on my waist!! I love it! New me who dis?? Thank you!

  6. Ugh I have struggling all my life with this issue. I can get a bigger and rounder butt to save my life…. I tried everything and nothing works…… I have a fast metabolism. I have 2 kids with one on the way. My belly fat won't budge for nothing. My waist is stuck at 34 inches no matter what I do or try… If you have any advice please help and thank you for videos….. You are an inspiration …..

  7. Work volume that is a challenge for your self 😊. How do you keep track of the macros? Jens will never fit perfectly 😊. I wish I could send you a before and after pic. Thank you so much for sharing this video 💖👍

  8. Hi Kola. I am a new mom and i am trying to Lose the belly fat, i have come a long way and lost a lot of it but the middle section of my belly is still protruding. I just discovered its becoz i have Diastasis Recti. I see how tight your belly is after a baby. I want to get that result too. But i was told crunches or sit ups is not right when u have Diastasis Recti. Whats your advice for me?

  9. I started doing booty exercises last week and the past 2 days I have been looking in the mirror an I realized that I gained weight I was so confused T_T 😂. I'm glad I saw this vid so now I know. Thank you!

  10. I love my waist it is small. And I have a booty but it’s not big as I want it to be but everyone tells me that my butt is huge. Only thing that I don’t really like are my legs I want them to be slimmer

  11. Hi please please tell how to keep butt and loose extra fats how is it possible and how how how please please tell about keto diet too how to loose fat and gain that's booty during keto!!!!!!

  12. Koboko i love you so so much!! You motivate me so much during my workouts but also make more happy/positive and make me be more loving to myself!! Thank you for everything ❤️ i wish the best you’re an amazing person!!! You’re an amazing role model

  13. The pant thing may improve for me. I am big at the waist and can’t fill the butt part of my jeans. I always end up with muffin top ☹️

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