1. oh my gosh, how do you make it look so easy, you are awesome to work out with…i really feel like I am with you every step of the way, so much so I talkk with you and to you whilst we are working out, so funny I know…you are so motiavting, thank you. I hope to look at least 10% good of what you achieve…thank you for sharing a different and amazing workout …Rx

  2. Christine,this workout is AMAZING 😍 It's officially my new favorite and I feel wonderful after it although half of the time while doing it I'm like dying and I usually start talking to you through the laptip screen hah😁 You are totally body goals and I admire you so much😊

  3. This is the first of the tabata torture workouts I have tried. I used to dread tabata, I was afraid of boredom and that I wouldn’t be able to complete 8 rounds! However, since I have done some FitForceFX workouts and Hiitlikeagirl's hour-long tabata, I decided to face my fear and let me just say that this was Fan.Tas.Tic. No boredom, I was making little sweat puddles and feeling awesome!

  4. My new favourite workout of yours! Tabata is so fun, I never get bored as they're only 20 seconds (though the mountain climbers felt like forever…) loved it 🙂

  5. I love your videos so much Christine!! Thank you so much for all your time and effort!! These workouts make me feel tough and ready for the day physically and mentally!! You rock, thank you thank you!!!

  6. Christine,

    I feel bad that I never take the time to comment, but finally I'm doing it! 🙂 I've been doing several of your workouts for a while now and I just want to tell you I LOVE them!!!! Sometimes I talk back to you, lol, like telling you that you're crazy if you think I can keep going, lol, but I still love the workouts. Thank you for making them easy to follow, tough as nails and challenging. It's great to have so many to choose from, so I never feel like I'm sticking in a DVD and doing something on "repeat"… thank you thank you!!! 🙂

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