1. This dude forgot the most important exercise of all: the reach-around-push. It’s an isolated movement that involves reaching around from your anterior to your posterior and pushing on the plunger of a syringe to inject synthetic chemicals into your ass.

    Lizard crawls for three months. Lmfao. That’s how McAvoy got jacked… 😂😂😂

  2. Spoilers/red pill, steroids are super common within Hollywood, particularly anabolic pro hormones. That’s how they get them in such good shape in such little time. Argue with me about it if you want

  3. Dudes all this gimmiky stuff look dudes actors take steroids to prepare for movies they can afford it and they need it there is nothing magical about these exercices they are far from optimal just lift heavy on big compound movements and try to progress ans eat alot get big then cut you'll be huge and ripped all this shit is BS

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