1. I was an elite soccer player for a number of years but never worked hard enough on my core and flexibility =tight back and hamstrings! Am now into competition golf and your workouts have made me feel much more stable in my swing. Thanks! 😉

  2. Did this workout on my deck as well! Love getting outside with my workouts, great for a beautiful Sunday afternoon.
    Training for life. I want to fit more yoga/pilates into my weekly routine!
    – Julia

  3. Hey Sean! I'm training because in 2 weeks I'm heading from Australian winter to summer in Palm Springs! Training twice a day, once vigourous weights and once with you to keep me loose and limber 🙂 Thanks coach!

  4. Hi Coach Sean! Training with you to get back into stretching and Pilates as I’m nearing 50 and need to keep my body and joints flexible! Also do a lot of strength training so this type of workout feels great!

  5. Hey Sean – how are you. Blast from the past here in Orlando! I am really trying to get back into your pilates classes. I tried this one but thought maybe it was a little much for my first time back in a few years. Can you suggest a which class to start with and how to ramp up from there. Thanks

  6. This was great after my long run yesterday. Your videos have helped me out for a few years and more so now in my marathon training. Very much appreciated, Coach!

  7. I train with you because you make exercise very fun. There are many online trainers out there, but you are infinitely more entertaining. I also love the locations you film in, and the workouts themselves are a good balance of strength and stretching.

  8. Yes awesome question, why?
    For the betterment of my life; better organs- better breath – better focus – all the hope to make better vibes and more fair winds in a highly stressed flooded New york and Americas
    with its very different air (politically, financially, spiritually, mentally, you name the micro and macros of it)

  9. I'm an archaeologist, which requires quite a lot of travel and living in hotels, as well as a lot of hiking, crouching and bending. Your workouts are great for a nonsedintary lifestyle. I can take them wherever. I train to keep my flexibility and decompress at the end of a long work day, trekking around in sometimes harsh landscapes. Thanks for your videos!!

  10. I dabbled into yoga with my first pregnancy..in 2012, then really FOUND yoga while randomly searching Beginners Yoga, through You Tube and found 'yoga with Adrienne' and have been hooked for 3 years now! I dig your personality. You're human and funny..so I've enjoyed following you! I do this for LIFE. Convinced we can all live to 110 if we try a little harder. Thanks Sean!!

  11. Also, I just want to add, before I started doing pilates and yoga, my lower back was in pain whenever I got into bed, my posture was bad, and even leaning over an engine, changing spark plugs, which takes minutes to do, would ruin my hamstrings. Since doing your videos, I can reach down at any time of day and get the whole back of my hand to touch the floor, I can do a full human crab etc etc. You did change my enjoyment of life massively, to be fair. Really really appreciate it

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