1. I've done this workout many times in the past but today, I felt a bit weary with the 4 times hiit format so I've rearranged this workout into ABCC to split the hiit portion. This worked really well and I felt good at the end!

  2. Lol the random meow 😂 when I heard it I looked around the room … I don't even have a cat.. Kelli was just like, there's a cat lol!! This was a GREAT workout. Always satisfied with any workout from FB.

  3. Just to make this workout a little bit harder (as if it needed that haha) I got hiccups as soon as I started doing jump squats. My legs and lungs are absolutely destroyed haha. Great workout and a great start to my Tuesday !!

  4. I did everything except the last 2 rounds of jump squats. And I could keep up with Kelly. Working out with you I have started to be quick and light on my feet for burpees and jump squats… Love your workouts. Thank you!

  5. I hate burpees!.. Though I love squat jumps but I feel my lungs were already tired by the end so couldn't push through much but still I did it and still love it when you guys say this workout is complete ❤️ love from india

  6. Great workout! I thought about you Kellie during jump squats and how you said in your break video how you wish you could do them right now. Jump squats are a tough one for me, but I did 3/4 jumping for you and just normal squats on one of them. Get better soon!

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