1. Mr. Rutten, love this video, seen this a lot of times long back ago, genius raw workout plan.

    anyway, my curiousity is, do every roads go back to Rome or Egypt ?

    and some other things as well, such as ✌️🖖🤘👌 anyway, be well.

  2. Bas, You are amazing. Not only are you my favourite MMA fighter of all time, you are clever, funny and a total 10000% badass in every single way. Thanks for being such an awesome guy and an inspiration to us all.

  3. Side effects may include anal bleeding or heart attack. Some patients experience death, brain aneurysm, stroke, and penis cancer. If you experience death, contact your Primary Care Physician immediately.

  4. This is ingenious, truly inspiring to see perseverance like this thank you for sharing so much good with the world, for a man who has lived a life of violence, you truly are a role model for many.

  5. Hi Bas, I loved the workout, tried it once and I’m exausted as hell. Got one question thou… and I’m sorry if this is obvious its just that I don’t workout a lot, but does this excercises form your abs or is it just for arms and legs??

  6. 8/9/2019 – I am just discovering you. I'm a 63 y/o retired school secretary with a desire to lose and additional 50 pounds (I've lost 26 so far). Incorporating your exercises, as I'm become able to do them, will help me achieve my weight loss goals. Thank you!

  7. After 23 years spec ops and 10 law enforcement, this is great stuff. Body just isn't handling gym or hitting the road anymore. This will get me back into my element with less strain on old best up joints. Awesome stuff, please keep sharing. Stay strong and God Bless.

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