1. You’re in Wyoming !!! I live in Salt Lake City! If you ever come to visit let me take you out for a drink please!!! You are so inspiring and I love your videos/ personality

  2. Ive been watching this channel for a while and am currently going through my own journey. Does vlogging your weekly progress help? Does keeping those thoughts and tracks somewhere you can rewatch incase something goes wrong help? Ive always wondered if it will improve my motivation.

    Great work by the way i love your attitude ❤️

  3. Hey girl 😘 the funk is going around this week and I've been wondering if there's a full moon as well lol It will get better! Hope you have a fabulous time with your sister!!

  4. Yep. Me too. It seems like I can't get back on track! I know I will I'm just taking a detour on the life highway. Wow! No restrooms or rest areas?! "Jesus hates me!" BWAHAHAHAHA! Have a great weekend!

  5. Oh my good gravy your opening on this video you are insane girl !! The kind of week you are having was me for 4 days last week started on a Sunday . I am back on track I did lose 0.6 pounds which is a surprise considering . So I will take it !! I go to my nutrtionist at 1 :00 pm. today see how that goes. Went to a weight meeting last night She told us to use the Acronym when we want to eat
    H= are you HUNGRY
    A= are you ANGRY
    L= are you LONELY
    T= are you TIRED
    another one is
    JERF stands for JUST EAT REAL FOOD
    She also recommended a book called "Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson " & another book "You are a Bad Ass by Jen Sincero "
    I have insomnia bad & I am a night time eater so the one Sleep Smarter is what I am interested in I did order both of them last night .
    She also told us not to eat a food that has more than 4 ingredients in it. That will be hard for me,but I will try that .She said the more it has the more processed it is .
    On another note one time I was traveling to Chicago & I had to pee so bad , they stopped the car along the berm I jumped out ran up on the enbankment & peeded . So many cars were blowing their horns so I started to waving I thought oh well I have to go & these people will never see me again & I gave them a smile for the day !!
    Okay I hope you have a lovely weekend ( Judy )

  6. I love you sweetheart! We all have bad weeks and I will hold your hand through it all. It’s been stressful here to and I will admit I cheated big time on my Keto diet . I had bread and rice – two big no no’s!!!! Ugghhh

  7. Hello Stephanie 😊 You're doing great! Loved your intro lol! Please introduce us to your dear furry 🐶🐾🐾will be lovely meeting your sister, have a great week XO

  8. You are surrounded by such amazing scenery. Sending hugs and blessings, i know its hard in a slump but keep feeling positive and remember we're all with you. It must be something with the stars cos its been a rough week here too. Despute being busy and more active ive put on 4lb and i cant work out why 🤔🤔🤨

  9. Tickled to see you put out a video! Stress wrecks my diet too. It'll get better. You have a fantastic sense of humor! Can't wait to meet your sister. Take care.

  10. Get a toe hold ("")("") and hang on Fabby….better days will come! Sorry you have had such a crappy week! Enjoy your time with your sister and get back on track! Prayers for safe travels and better health choices for you!

  11. You make me feel so human I truly mean that .
    These other channels for weight loss make me feel like I'm going to hell
    Just being honest so far the whole month of March has sucked
    Im just not myself I don't know why either
    But those damn snicker bars change me into a movie star quickly
    So good to see you darling
    Hello from NC!! You are beautiful✌✌✌💋💋💋

  12. Love the big rock and pee bush lol Saw many of those when I was a kid. This old nag is still trying to get out of the weight loss starting gate. I'm sure it will stay open eventually. You rock ✌

  13. South Dakotan over here🙋‍♀️ Also having a snowball week but somehow am managing to stay on my eating schedule thank goodness lol the only good thing going for me. Hoping you have a great time here with your sis💙

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